QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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From the beginning your work has paid off in a perfect Web service. I feel over the years I have made a friend with a needed service that can be counted on.

Gary Litteer

Thanks for all your professionalism and support. I am glad that my company, and our Land Rover Club, are associated with QTH.com!

Neil Buchelt, Advanced Imaging, Inc.,

Hosting with QTH.com is like a having a buddy in the business. They've been spot on from the start with responsive, efficient, friendly service. That's why I've stuck for years with QTH.com!

Jeff K1NSS, creator of Dash! The Dog-Faced Ham

Your great customer service is a big reason why I switched to you from ValueWeb.

Mary Charles Blakebrough

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

With other companies I have worked with, e-mails asking for support were not answered promptly. I have received MUCH BETTER service from your organization!! And your services cost a lot less -- a pleasing combination.

Dan Yemiola

I have been with QTH.com since 2003, using them for all of my hosting and domain registration needs and I have never experienced 1 second of downtime on any of my websites. Their customer service cannot be beat!

Jenny Williams

Your service is great and your price is unbelievable. Thank you!

Bob Lancer, Parenting Solutions

QTH has hosted all of my sites since 2002 and I have never been tempted to change. Great service and a pleasure to do business with QTH.

John Bee, Quick Silver Radio

I've been using QTH.com for over 8 years now and have never had a single problem -- absolutely responsive and reliable. Domain purchasing is cheap and simple, DNS setup is very easy, and web & email hosting comes with more features than most will ever need.

Chris Haas

Outstanding customer service and expert knowledge has been invaluable for our business -- consistently goes above and beyond our highest expectations!

James Edwards, A2Z Social Design